Friday, July 13, 2012

Microwavin' Mommas

We sure hope grandmas old tale about standing too close to the microwave will cook your insides isn't true..
Or that the next front page headline won't be on how microwaved meals are being linked to cancer..
Because our blog today is about what we like to eat and how we like to cook it and its all through one glorious man-made machine--
 the handy, dandy, MICROWAVE! I mean, we microwave EVERYTHING. Which brings us to our topic for today...Microwaving Meals. 
We like to call ourselves the...
 Microwavin' Mommas
When you are two college roommates who are broke, at the library all the time, or who are never at home because you are on campus till 9 o'clock at night, you will learn that the microwave will save your life..and your stomach! If you thought we would be talking about grilling and give all these fabulous grill recipes, well sorry, we're not. We love grilled food, but we leave that up to our boyfriends. Just because we microwave all the time, doesn't mean we are sitting around microwaving pizza rolls, Lean Cuisines(don't eat--too much sodium!), or Hot Pockets. We are probably the healthiest microwavers ever!
So we want to share you all our secrets and photos of our healthy and delicious microwavable meals...that sometimes even resemble Chinese take out! 

Breakfast: Oatmeal and Canadian/Turkey Bacon/Egg Whites
 Oatmeal, especially if you buy the weight control brand, is full of FIBER. FIBER is your friend, especially in the morning!
*Hint: Add a dash of Splenda Brown Sugar and Splash of Almond Milk and it's almost like you're eating a warm, delicious cinnamon roll

Turkey/Canadian Bacon is full of PROTEIN and has LESS FAT! It's super easy to make and you're not having to worry about getting popped with hot grease. 

Who would have thought? Eggs can be cooked just as good in the microwave!
Girls on the go do NOT have time to pull out the frying pan and whip up some fancy kind of gourmet eggs. Simply spray a microwave safe bowl with cooking spray, pour in your egg whites (the ones shown are our fave) add a little cheese, some protein (turkey or turkey bacon) and pop it in the microwave for about a minute, then mix it up and then for about 30 more seconds and Voila! Scrambled eggs. 

Lunch/Dinner: Pre- Cooked Chicken,  Pre-cooked Fish, Steam Fresh Vegetables,
This is great for the girl-on-the-go. You can find this at Wal-Mart in the poultry/freezer sections. It only takes two and a half minutes to cook and then BAM! You have delicious grilled chicken with grill marks and everything. Don't even NEED a man to make you chicken this good! Also, the pre-cooked fish is great too! The Steam Fresh Veggies are Fabulous. You can buy the individual veggies or the larger bags that you can save for later. You can buy the seasoned or unseasoned. The possibilities are endless. 
*Hint: Eat your chicken with Ken's Light Honey Mustard or Cattlemen's Tangy Gold Barbecue Sauce. Also Ms. Dash's Lemon Pepper Seasoning and Creole Seasoning goes great with your veggies. Do not use a condiment that has more than 80 Calories per 2tbsp per serving. 

Dinner:  Chicken or Fish, Sweet Potato, Minute Rice, Steam Fresh Veggies, and a Vidallia Onion
When you are trying to loose weight, you have to get crafty! There are sooo many microwavable options to choose from and still eat healthy. We like to make rice bowls and think we are eating Hibachi food from a fancy Chinese restaurant.  First cook your microwavable chicken and cut it into little pieces. Then cook your steamed veggie bag of choice (if you cook a larger bag only use about 1 cup for this recipe, if you use individual size use the whole thing), and last cook your Uncle Ben's Minute Brown Rice. Dump everything in one bowl..even sprinkle in a LITTLE cheese if you'd like and TA-DAH, you have a rice bowl! If you feel like being more fancy, cook your microwavable Salmon, with your seasonings. Then cook Uncle Ben's steam rice (comes in a ton of flavors).Cook a microwavable steamer Sweet Potatoes (find these in the veg. isle next to the raw potatoes, they are already wrapped in cellaphane, takes about six minutes to cook and add Splenda brown sugar and I Can't Believe Its Not Butter for taste and only costs about 99cent). Now for our favorite...Vidallia Onions! These are super easy to microwave. Peel the top layer off of the onion and core out the top center of the onion by marking an X on it's head. Place a boyon cube where you cored out the onion. Next place the onion in a deep dish microwave-safe bowl with a little bit of water in the bowl. Cover the top of the bowl in cellaphane and cook for 4 minutes. Delicious! 

<3 Muffin & the Bagel

Now that you know our microwavin''s now time to hear from the Muffin and Bagel about workout tips, hot girl tips, meals and our AU Skinnygirl Pics of the day. 

Workout Tip of the Day: 
Today I want to provide workout tips about the arms. You can use weights from 3lbs-8lbs or water bottles :) This exercise focuses on those flabby triceps. There are three options to this work out: beginner, medium, and advanced. 
Meal of the Day: 
Breakfast- egg omelet, protein shake, and an apple. My egg omelet is made from Southwestern Style Egg Beaters. I add a one strip of Turkey Bacon and a handful of Spinach to the omelet. Then I add salsa for taste. My protein shakes consists of chocolate whey protein, frozen strawberries, and almond milk (I only drink these after a work out, which I work out before breakfast). Last but not least, I have delicious gala apple. 
Hot Girl Tip of the Day: 
Hot girls don't drink fattening beer like Budweiser, we drink Mic Ultra. Also we don't drink sugary cocktails like a Sex on the Beach. We drink Vodka with Water and add a crystal light packet to our drink OR we go with Skinny Girl Cocktails by Bethany Frankel, they are the"The lady knows how to cocktail" 
And please always remember: HOT GIRLS, PLEASE DRINK IN MODERATION ("that girl"at the bar who had too much to drink is not cute!)
With love and War Eagle, AK :)

Now for.. AU Skinnygirl Pic of the Day:
Now these are real photos! These are just from beginning of the summer to the end of the summer, working on getting past those plateaus to reach our final goal weight! 

1 comment:

  1. Y'alls blog is awesome! Thank you for taking the time out of your day to post all of this! (:
