Monday, July 16, 2012

Sweet Cheats and Chocolate Treats

You've been committed to eating healthy all week when all of the sudden your evil sweet tooth seeks 
Trust us, we know the feeling.
Like any normal woman on the planet, we love our
It's that 10 o'clock at night-gotta-have-it craving and it's not going to go away.
Here are a few confessions and solutions to keep that sweet tooth happy without completely engorging yourself in thousands of unwanted calories.

Rule #1: Allow yourself ONE Sweet Cheat
A girl's gotta stay sane, and if your feel the craving, try as long as you can to hold out until the end of the week and give into it. Now this does NOT mean that you can go down to the cupcake buffet (does that even exist? hmm) and go crazy eating everything in sight. This is ONE meal. ONE, people!! 

Frozen yogurt is a great way to convince yourself that your Sweet Cheat isn't a completely bad idea. Add your favorite fruity toppings and yogurt chips to really seal the deal...
but even if you don't choose the fruit, we don't judge. Always say YES to frozen yogurt as a "cheat" date! 

Rule #3: WeekENDS DON'T have to un-do Your WEEK
Seems like all things healthy go out of the window when the weekend hits and your friends all want to hang out because that means...restaurants! 
Restaurants do have lots of tempting foods that are filled with our enemy, the Carb & his partner, the Calorie!!
Now if you haven't already indulged in your cheat meal for the week, then I don't see any harm done in a cheeseburger and some fries if that's what you fancy, but we are here to tell you that there are actually healthy options hidden on that restaurant menu!
Always go for grilled chicken and veggies or any type or grilled fish! Outback has an AMAZING salmon. I promise you'll live without the blooming onion, go for a salad with a light dressing instead. 
Sushi is also a great option BUT FRIED SUSHI DOES NOT COUNT!!!!
Always go for the lean sea creatures- tuna, salmon, crab...anything without the word "Tempura"
Choose wisely when you are out and about and know that anything can be okay in MODERATION!

Here's a list of some of our favorite chocolately treats that us AUSkinnyGirls occasionally sneak into our healthy lifestyles: 

150 Calorie Warm Delight MINIS!

Sugar Free Jello Pudding Packs

DIET Hot Chocolate

Special K Chocolatey Delight
Eat with skim/almond milk

*A sweet treat that isn't chocolate:
FROZEN GRAPES!! Take a bag full of grapes and pop em' in the freezer for a frozen treat that'll satisfy that pesky sweet tooth 

A Message from the Muffin:

Workout tip of the day:
When I do use weights, I'm all about targeting those love handles (obliques) and lower abs.
This exercise is simple but effective and can even be done while watching your favorite TV show or before you go to bed.
Try this move to blast that annoying pudge around your waist and get that beautiful hourglass figure!

Step 1) Start out with whatever size weight you want. I choose 8 :)
Step 2) Stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart and hold the weight at your side.
Step 3) Slower lower the weight down your side, giving a slight crunch or bend in your side.
*Use your obliques (or sides) in this exercise, NOT your arm!
Step 4) Keep lowering the weight until you are down to knee-cap level. 
Your obliques should be completely engaged.
 Step 5) SLOWLY roll yourself back up using those side muscles. 
It should feel like a sit up for your side!!

For this exercise, do 20-30 reps and 3 sets.

Meal of the Day:
Breakfast: I love a green energy smoothie for breakfast or after a workout!! Everyone always tries to judge me when I walk around with this green blended concoction but I promise they are so nutritious and delicious! I like to blend a banana, a tablespoon of Hersheys naturally sweetened cocoa powder, a spoonful of peanut butter, a scoop of protein, and a handful of either fresh Kale greens or Spinach greens to make a Peanut Butter and AMAZING smoothie thats packed with energy, protein, and vitamins to keep me going throughout the day. All the other ingredients take over the greens-- you can't even taste them! Don't knock it till ya try it! 

Hot Girl Tip of the Day:
Its all about POWER of the pose! With a swing of the hips you could go from a size 10 to a size 2.
This is a Home-Town Pageant Girl Secret that has been passed down to us, now we want to share our picture posing secrets with you. 
1. Its all in the foot work. You need to put all of your weight on your back foot and have it facing in the other direction of your body. 
2. Take the other foot and make a T shape. You might feel a little awkward
3. Turn the hips to the side...away from the camera
4. Turn the upper body towards the camera, Square off the shoulders (don't round, you want to show off your beautiful collar bone), put one hand on the hip and throw back the elbow. 
5. Show that GORGEOUS SMILE! 
                                           You just went from this....  To this...

You are now HOT, CONFIDENT and SKINNY!
Remember,You Can Always Fool A Camera! 
*Hint: Even though those heels are a total B word, they elongate the body and show off all your curvy muscles in those legs of yours! 

<3 & War Eagle,  The Muffin & the Bagel

AUSkinnyGIRL Pic of the Day
Besties since 8th grade..we've come a long way!

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