Thursday, July 12, 2012

One Size Does NOT Fit ALL

You flip through your Cosmo, turn on the TV, scroll through your Instagram..
it seems like everyone has the same figure-- long waisted, long legs, with a natural 6-pack slapped on to their stomach. 
Well we are here to tell you there are people that exist in the world that aren't made out of that cookie cutter.
We've had to sit back our whole lives and watch our peers--who have all coincidently had bottomless pits for stomachs and never had to worry about gaining weight--eat meals upon meals at drive-thru restaurants, while we snacked on carrots and granola bars. As soon as a holiday hit and we indulged in ONE giant meal we'd come back 8 pounds heavier...and our peers??
Still all of 90 pounds. 
Talk about frustrating! 

A Message from the BAGEL:

I have received numerous questions about: What are doing?  What diet are you on?  Of course, I reply back and say that I am on The Pink Method. This program is amazing and I feel so good about myself, but this program and pretty much all programs are not meant for everyone. People, "One size DOES NOT fit all!" Since I was 14 I have had a trainer, counted calories, Weight Watchers, Atkins Diet and The Dukan Diet. They all worked for some time, but I was miserable and I always hit that plateu. 
So, I want to explain a few things that I have encountered on my journey of weight loss: 
- I hate to say it weight loss depends on that stupid thing called a Metabolism! It took me 7 years to figure out what got mine going, which brings me to my next point...
- Diet is everything, not exercise. Exercise sculpts the body and your healthy eating habits support your metabolism, which will give you the fuel to blast the fat in your exercise routine. 
-Just because you don't have a work out buddy doesn't mean you should skip out on your exercise routine. Sage likes to run, I can't because I have overuse injuries. Sage doesn't like to lift weights because she says they make her look bulky. We still exercise though. 
- Measurements are more important than the numbers on the scale. 
- I like working out at home. I don't have to worry about creepy guys checking me out, contracts, or THAT Workout Queen Princess. When I work out at home I can wear a sports bra, booty shorts, work out on my own time, and be my own Workout Queen Princess. Plus this makes the ball in my court. Which brings me to my next point...
- DO THIS FOR YOURSELF! Until now I always had someone checking on my eating habits or reminding me to go to the gym. Now I do this for myself! My workout is my "ME" time. As women, we do so much for other people. So allow yourself an hour a day and treat yourself with a workout and keep up the healthy eating habits. This is a much better choice than a pedicure or a slice of cake. ITS ALL ABOUT YOU.

A Message from the Muffin:

As for me and my muffin-top, I have tried P-90X, Insanity, and endless hours spent in a gym. I am not Tyra Banks in height and weight lifting turns me into the Michelin man.
The main question I've gotten since our last post is "what is your weekly exercise routine?"
Now this may not work for everyone, but for me, simple has worked best, especially since I have no money to be spending every month on a gym membership.
4-5 times a week I run. Honestly, my dog is my motivator. He gets SO bored and I know he has to get exercise, so it forces me to get exercise. I have a route on the sidewalk on my street that is about 2-2.5 miles that has a couple of good hills and makes me break a good sweat and lasts 30-35 min. 
For those living in the 21st century with me that use iPhone or have an iPod, I HIGHLY suggest the Nike+GPS app if you are going to do this right! It maps your runs, tells you calories burned, gives you your pace, cheers you on...I love it. 
Get your iTunes or Pandora going and turn up your favorite fast-pace music to get ready to run!!
Now, like I mentioned before, I didn't start out running like the Roadrunner. I started out walking, at a very slow pace, and I would set running goals for myself. I would see a mailbox ahead and say to myself "OK If I can just run to that mailbox" and once I made it to that mailbox without killing over..I'd walk a little bit and set a new goal, until one day I found myself running the whole time. 
I noticed a change in my body almost immediately. Physically and emotionally.
Running lets go of the stress and lets go of the fat!!
Running has become my therapy. I find it helpful to find a running buddy, whether you make it your competition, your motivation, or your just helps...even if it is your dog. 
I do not do any extra weight lifting, yet running tightens up everything!
Occasionally, as in twice a week, I do a 15 min ab video or do ab exercises which I will be showing everyone in the posts to come, as well as the foods I eat on a normal day and even sweet cheat treats that won't completely ruin a diet. 
Losing weight IS possible, just have to find what works for YOU!

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