Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Welcome to the Bakery

From Hefty's to Hotties, welcome to our real-deal journey of losing weight. 
No, we have never and probably will never wear size 0 jeans. 
And no, we didn't "get fat" just because we drank too much in college...
or ate too much McDonalds...
or drank too many soft drinks.
Our story of weight loss has been over 6 years battling against the cursed genetics that wanted us to be fat.
We refuse to let them win.

Our friendship began in 8th grade homeroom and has blossomed into roommates at Auburn University.
We have been dedicated and in this together to become the CURVY, but fit girls we deserve to be.
We hope our stories will inspire other people out there who weren't "born skinny" like us
and maybe even give you helpful healthy tips towards your future.
This isn't going to be glamorous.
This IS real. 

This is the story of how we went from this:

To this:

Meet The Muffin

Hi, I'm Sage and I am studying to become a Speech Language Pathologist at Auburn University...I'm in my senior year...I'm obsessed with my golden retriever...and  I am the so called "muffin". When I call myself "The Muffin", I am referring to my body literally as a muffin-like shape. You have a short, roundish top half that folds over on all sides onto a stalky base. I have battled with weight loss my entire life. Literally. I was born a cute, 6 pounds and then..BAM I was 100 pounds. Ok, so maybe not that literally but I do know that there are only a handful of pictures of me in a cute stage before the pounds packed on at a very young age. My sweet mom always tried to reassure me that I wasn't the only chunky person in my family when I started to feel down and out next to my beautiful, 5'7" green-bean sisters...but somehow it never worked. I became angry at the genetics that made me the muffin I was. It wasn't that I was eating bags of chips on the daily or submerging my self in a sugar was just me. It was how my body wanted to be, but not how I wanted my body. I tried a lot of different things to lose weight but always ended up feeling disappointed in myself. My body just wouldn't budge. Finally, during my senior year of high school when I weighed in at my heaviest--160 pounds with a height at 5'3"-- I decided to really get committed and fight against the pudge. It WAS going to leave after 18 years of hanging out around my waist. At first I got a trainer, she was the one who made me passionate about working out. I just met with her a couple days a week and she showed me that losing weight was possible for me. After I figured out how to work out on my own, I ditched the training and picked up running...I've decided its an all over best work out for my body. I started out slow, exploring new routes around my town, and eventually I was running 3 miles+ with a new found confidence. The weight by no means fell off, in fact I'm still working at it. I now weigh in at an average 130 pounds and hope to lose a little more. It's taken me nearly 5 years to lose 30 pounds but it's worth the wait! I don't look at my meals as a "diet" but as a way of life. Diets are so short term. I eat healthy and if I want a treat every now and then, I have a treat! Simple as that. I hope by having this blog and telling my story of lifelong battle with weight loss that I can 1) represent for the curvy girls because I will ALWAYS have thick hips and 2) show that GENES don't have to determine your JEAN size. Little bit corny? Maybe, but true. 
In the blogs to come I'll be sharing some of my favorite meals bought on a real broke college girl budget, so stay tuned :)

Meet The Bagel

Well HELLO and WAR EAGLE! My name is Anne-Kathryn (or AK) and I am the so called "bagel". That perfectly round, hard, sometimes celluliteish, pouch that incircles the belly button. This is what I like to call the bagel. I have been carrying this bagel since third grade! That is some really old fat! Well for starters I would like to talk about myself (this is kind of a hobby). I am a college student majoring in education. I am a health and work out freak, but I occasionally cheat. I am 5'8 so keep that in mind while you continue reading. I was always a tall skinny blonde until I hit the awkward age of 10. I was the girl who hit puberty before anyone and had size B boobs in the fourth grade with hips to match. I remember going back to school shopping in the fourth grade and buying size 5 shorts (juniors). What 8 year old do you know wearing size 5 clothes?! Well then the teen year hit...BAM I WAS FAT! Due to my hellacious hormones I was covered in acne at 12 and my skin started scaring. So what the doctor do? He put me on the PILL! I gained sooooo much weight and by the time 8th grade arrived I was weighing in the 160s. This was a rough year emotionally and physically. My boobs were huge and I received the nickname Captain Double Ds. Yeah not cool! Also I had a terrible self image because all my friends were 0s and 2s. I skipped those sizes. My mom noticed how discouraged I was and took me off the pill and hooked me up with one of my role models, Hope. Hope was a BA trainer! She is seriously the hottest older lady I know. I remember my first time meeting her and she made me weigh...174lbs. I burst into tears. I was in a dark place. This was it. I made the decision to change my life and do this for nobody but myself. That was in 2005 and I continued training with Hope for another 4 years until I started college. During those four years I dealt with a sluggish metabolism, a border line thyroid, and skinny friends who didn't count calories or wake up at 7am to do cardio. This was a rough 4 years but I lost 30lbs and I loved the way I looked and I loved being healthy, but I wanted more. I tried Weight Watchers and weighed around 139lbs.  I was skinny, but then one of those rough depression patches hit (probably over some dumb boy) and I gained every bit of it back. I started back to college weighing in at 158lbs. 158lbs is not cute when there are thousands of skinny girls walking around. So I tried Atkins. It worked and I lost 10lbs but that diet sucked! Then this past year I decided that I am happy with myself but I know I can look better. So I ordered the PINK METHOD with my Christmas money and I am the thinnest, healthiest, and happiest I ever been. I now weigh 136lbs and that bagel thing is almost gone! After all of this I have realized that dieting is a way of life for some people. So accept it! That hot dress is worth it when you put it on and you look SEXY! I am PROUD OF MYSELF! I have  come so far. My point of this blog is to stand up for that curvy girl who has never worn single digit size jeans, the girl who wants to be the one who is getting all the attention from the boys, the girl who wants to feel better about her appearance, the girl who wants to love herself. I was her. Now I want to help you.
P.S. I didn't get fat from drinking too much beer! I got fat from a sucky metabolism and eating Pop Tarts. My fabulous microwavable recipes, smoothies, and everyday realistic guide to looking hot is coming up so stay tuned!


  1. This is great. I'm working on a lifestyle change that came along much later in life. I'm glad you have made this change so early. Proud of you 2 even though I don't know AK. Keep up the good work and keep setting the example for girls (and guys) of all ages. I look forward to some of your recipes.

  2. lol I thought you coould not comment on here AK
